Among the advice on my studies I hear most frequently is “don’t read too much”. Considering how much there is to read, and how much there is to KNOW, even in the little subspecialist niche of TESOL, this seems counter-intuitive. Yet it is valid in the sense that at a certain point the information starts to drown out one’s own ideas, and that sinking feeling of not knowing what it was you actually wanted to say often only hits after the assignment is handed in. Trust me: I know.
Well, this evening I had one of those rare and precious flashes of insight where I knew exactly what I want to say in my next assignment, and how I want to say it. (To perfectly honest, it happened while I was gazing into my fridge. When you live in a desert, the fridge is a place to keep things like printer ink cartridges, vitamins, eye liner- just ask Robert Smith- and fully loaded water pistols. I have been known to follow up fridge-gazing with far more destructive activities than assignment planning, so this is a doubly fortuitous event.)
For the record, the reading I have done has been quite general, and I fully intend to continue reading up on more specific areas of relevance. But my ideas are clear now. That’s the beauty of a MindMap: it can organically grow without any disruption. Although mine may have to do its growing on a new page…
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