Monday, April 13, 2009


That last lap around the field is the one where we truly see what we are made of. It is the time when every athlete has gone beyond the limits of strength and is running on the fumes of willpower alone.

That last lap is not unlike the end of semester.

For me, this is the last lap in many things. Not only are my students’ courses drawing to an end, I am also preparing to move to a different employer and a different country, in addition to completing the last modules of my MA before taking on the dissertation. It seems that each of these things demands the full cognitive capacity of one human being (or perhaps more!), and giving each its due is the greatest challenge I have faced in my adult life.

Perhaps blogging about this is a cunning procrastination strategy. Yet articulating the demands on are an important part of preparing to meet them. Stepping back to see what must be done is, sometimes, more important than to “just do it”.

Which is what I will now proceed to do.

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