Sunday, March 23, 2008

Not Quite Elementary

Much delayed by all the little melodramas and upheavals in the department, I finally started focus group interviews with my students today. The students really surprised me with their eloquence and quick answers, and capable handling of what can be quite a challenging situation for a lower-intermediate language learner. Although this is not intended as professional data gathering, I will have to mention that students might have been excessively eager to please, which may compromise the accuracy of the data. Still, some very useful insights are coming through, and the size of the group was very bonding. This kind of inquest might be worthwhile, even when there isn’t an assignment at stake.

As to the assignment, I am working on one section at a time by fleshing out the outline with all the relevant references first, then attacking the paperstorm at the keyboard. It is taking considerable discipline to keep writing first and foremost, so that I can later return and make improvements (and cuts!) in a second draft. Right now the objective is simply to keep going during the week, and make improvements over weekends when I have more mental bandwidth. My late registration in the course really compromised my background reading, and I am feeling the effects now. The next modules will be a breeze, with a whole month to read up before even attending the lectures!

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