Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Meeting of Minds. Great Ones.

While the prospect of a meeting seldom inspires confidence, this week I attended a rare specimen of meeting where there was not only universal participation, but also agreement and, I dare say, results.

The many concerns of the Oman General Foundation Programme stakeholders were honestly discussed and boldly confronted at a two-day meeting this Tuesday and Wednesday. Programme coordinators, heads of department, the programme director and deputy were all present for a session to plan the year ahead- and those to come.

Meeting other programme coordinators was a revelation. What struck me most was the remarkable effort of these heroes in the face of undeniable challenges. The fact that we all managed to agree came almost as a shock to me! Perhaps the fact that we all share a common interest far larger than our egos was a factor. The cherry on top was an agreement to collaborate voluntarily on materials and assessment development. This means we will all contribute some resources, lightening the load on all of us.

This was a promising experience. And a heartening one. When we come down from this lofty mountain, back at work next week, we are going to need all the heart we can get.

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