Sunday, August 10, 2008

Big Strategies, Little Tactics

I have heard strategies defined as the big picture plan, and tactics as the small steps that make it happen. The definition is debatable, but it suits me.

What I am trying to do at the moment is break down my own strategy in three separate but overlapping areas: study, work and life at large. It is all looking very big from where I stand right now, and to take it all on, I need to break things down into bite-sized chunks.

This means calendars with lots of space for lots of plans. It means backward mapping, starting with deadlines and working them back to where I am now. It means a whole week of parachute time before that deadline, in case things go all pear-shaped. Things have a way of doing that. It means blocking out one day a week for R&R, come hell, high water or head of department.

And most importantly, it means dealing with today’s little bite-size chunk. Today. Every day.

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