Monday, January 21, 2008

A Unified Purpose

There was always one problem with the way I saw my work as and English teacher. It was always just a day job, a stepping stone, a means to an end… and a distraction from what I deemed to be my “life’s work”.

Well, I still do not think this is, ultimately, where my “life’s work” will end. But this new pursuit- Mastery- has put it in a new light, a privileged position. It us now the thing I fight for. There us something very fortifying about (suddenly) being unified in my purpose. Can a little piece of paper with the letters “MA” on it really make me more of a profession? I doubt it. It is a journey, not a destination, and this degree s like a trip to the airport: the journey is not even yet begun, nor will it soon end. It is important to me to know that TODAY matters, and that is a very new approach for me, professionally. Think I’ll try that thought on for size…

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